Tricks and Tips

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When you are doing meditation at certain stage one blankness will come. You are having a feeling of “virrrrrrrrrrrr” in your body. If you afraid that something wrong has happened to you, you will immediately come down to the normal stage. Avoid this fear. Enjoy that vibration. Just observe that vibration so that it will continue for some more time. Establish it. Similarly during deep sleep in the early morning if you awakened all on a sudden this “virrrrrrrr” feeling will come. Without fear enjoy it. When there is no electricity this experience comes quickly. The magnetic field created by fan or the static current field created by the air conditioner will disturb the cosmic energy flow. We can artificially create this atmosphere by switch off the main before going to bed. Correct effect will be getting if the current is stopped suddenly by any timer switch. This may be due to the sudden alertness made in the body and the hormone secretion will be high. It is the Alpha waves stage. Fourth stage of consciousness. Your pineal gland is activated. In this stage if you ask anything it will be given. "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you……. Bible. Anything asked in deep stage will be given. ……ashokha




Sunday, December 6, 2009

tiruvannamalai valcano and the karthigai theebam

english translation at bottom:

சில விசயங்களை நம் வசதிக்காக நாம் மறந்து விடுகிறோம் என்று தோன்றுகிறது. உதாரணமாய் திருவண்ணாமலை குன்றுகள் எரிமலைக் குன்றுகள் என நெட்டில் சில இடங்களில் காணப்பட்டது. எனக்கு நம் பழைய புராணக் கதைகள் ஞாபகம் வந்தது. சிவபெருமான் அடி முடி காண முடியாத அளவு விஸ்வ ரூபமாய் நின்றார். அதனை விஷ்ணுவாலும் பிரம்மாவாலும் அளக்க முடியவில்லை என்பது நமக்குத் தெரிந்த கதைதான். சிவன் அழிக்கும் கடவுள். விஷ்ணு செல்வக் கடவுள். பிரம்மா அறிவுக் கடவுள். ஒரு எரிமலை வெடிக்கும்போது பணக்காரன் என்றும் பார்க்காது படித்தவன் என்றும் பார்க்காது எல்லோரையும் அழித்துவிடும் என்ற கோணத்தில் நம் புராணக் கதையை சிம்பாலிக்காக பாருங்கள். எவ்வளவு அழகான கவிதை நயம் என்பது புரியும்.

I have written earlier in topics related with wars that only a few will be remaining after some man made disasters like wars and natural disasters like tsunami,earth quake,valcanoes etc. They can only tell the aeroplanes as peacocks (as they don’t know anything more than a peacock), valcanoes as cosmic dances, tarnadoes as funnel shaped fires, missiles as fired arrows etc. So we must not totally neglect all these puranas as imaginary stories.

for the world with other languages:

We are forgetting certain things for our convenience. I have seen in some net sites that

Tiruvannamalai hills are valcano hills once errupted and cooled. Our puranas told that

Tiruvannamalai represents the cosmic dance of the Lord Shiva (the God of destruction)

and Lord Vishnu (Lord of Wealth) and Brahma (lord of knowledge) could not measure

the abnormal size of the Lord Shiva. This symbolic story is told to explain that when there

is a destruction due to a valcano the wealth and the knowledge of individuals will not be

considered for leaving them. All will be destroyed. Now see that puranic story with this

poetic look you can enjoy the beauty of that.