Tricks and Tips

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Ashokha - Find me on

bring me the light

When you are doing meditation at certain stage one blankness will come. You are having a feeling of “virrrrrrrrrrrr” in your body. If you afraid that something wrong has happened to you, you will immediately come down to the normal stage. Avoid this fear. Enjoy that vibration. Just observe that vibration so that it will continue for some more time. Establish it. Similarly during deep sleep in the early morning if you awakened all on a sudden this “virrrrrrrr” feeling will come. Without fear enjoy it. When there is no electricity this experience comes quickly. The magnetic field created by fan or the static current field created by the air conditioner will disturb the cosmic energy flow. We can artificially create this atmosphere by switch off the main before going to bed. Correct effect will be getting if the current is stopped suddenly by any timer switch. This may be due to the sudden alertness made in the body and the hormone secretion will be high. It is the Alpha waves stage. Fourth stage of consciousness. Your pineal gland is activated. In this stage if you ask anything it will be given. "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you……. Bible. Anything asked in deep stage will be given. ……ashokha



Thursday, February 24, 2011

dust allergy

Most of the thar roads in corporations,municipalities,towns in Tamilnadu are removed due to under ground drainage water system pipe laying work and as the work is not completed successfully the clay roads with flying dust particles now posing a big problem for the two wheeler riders. Most of them are now suffering with Streptococcus pneumoniae viruses having allergy,cough,a strong asthmatic feeling, and add to this is the dust accumulated with secretions become more strong and cannot be removed by coughing. Paracetamol,chlorpheniramine maleate,Erythromycin,Azithromycin are helping to some extent but complete relief is not reached as the dust going inside make the case more vulnerable.